Heinrich Vester
Heinrich Vester was born on 25th August in Cottbus.
He died in 1891.
His father was a clothier.
Heinrich Vester visited the Royal Art Academy in Dresden from 1823 until 1827.
He drew town views from Cottbus, portraits of clothiers, landscape paintings and targets for the shooter gild in Cottbus.
In 1851 he and his family moved to Guben.
It was important for him to draw the town views as detailed as possible because there wasn’t photograph.
Therefore his town views are an important resource for the local home research.
Today you can see his three famous masterpieces in our town museum.
The old market in Cottbus
Around the market are a lot of old houses.
The most of them are from the 18th and 19th century.
There is a market fountain with a central column.
It was built in 1991.
Around the market are very nice cafes and restaurants.